f.64 Elite

Ready to go BEYOND COLOR?

All people need to work with color is permission. Seriously, it’s that simple. Consider this course your PERMISSION to use color to your fullest advantage! Your work will never be the same again, I promise 😉

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The Offer

Included today in your offer
BEYOND COLOR: Exploring Gradients
Buy 1 and Save $29.00 (50.00%)
Original price was: $58.00.Current price is: $29.00.
Black & White: The Bottom Line
Buy 1 and Save $29.00 (100%)
Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $0.00.


BEYOND COLOR: Exploring Gradients

Black & White: The Bottom Line

BEYOND COLOR: Exploring Gradients
BEYOND COLOR: Exploring Gradients × 1
Black & White: The Bottom Line
Black & White: The Bottom Line × 1
Subtotal $29.00
Total $29.00

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Why Buy From f.64 Elite?

  • US Veteran Owned Business

    Blake deployed to Afghanistan and Africa in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and retired from the US Air Force National Guard after 20 years of honorable service.

  • 100% Safe and Secure Shopping

    All the information that you submit here is 100% encrypted. This is 128 bit SSL encrypted payment.

  • Unique Products

    We ensure incredible product quality and unique courses that you can only find on f.64 Elite.

What They're Saying

#1 Draft Pick

I’m out of superlatives for this man. Genius, pure genius, is about all I can say at this point. So lucky to have found him as my PS educators. There are many teachers out there, many are good, but only one is the best, and that is Blake!!! He would be my number one draft pick if I was building a team. Clearly the Patrick Mahomes of PS – they don’t get better than this.


The Why

I have learned more from you Blake than all the others I have struggled with. Your training makes sense and ties it all together rather than bits and pieces in disjointed ways that make no sense to the overall use! More importantly too is that your training teaches the WHY as to what tools to use as I edit my photos.


One Step Ahead

As for Photoshop and for the knowledge of image editing, you are one step ahead of everything I have seen after more than 15 years studying this subject through the “gurus on duty,” and this not because you study more, but because of something fundamental in the advancement of any knowledge, you are always investigating. I am lucky to nourish myself early on your achievements. I congratulate your personal journey in this regard.


Customer Support

Blake Rudis
Customer Happiness Manager
  • Email me anytime!


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