f.64 Elite

One Step Away from Tone Mastery!

The difference between a good photo and a PHENOMENAL photo rests in one critical place, the TONES. Learning from the basis of Tone Theory will help you take your work to exponential heights!

Wanna engage with your viewer on a whole new level? This is how!

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What They're Saying

Worth Every Penny

I was trying to learn Photoshop for the last two years but with your teaching I have learned more in the last two weeks than in the last two years. You do the basic what you should know. Highly recommend your courses worth every penny.


Honored To Be Here

You are beyond gifted and amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you! All of your classes that I have taken so far have taught this old brain more than I ever thought possible. I am forever grateful and honored to be a part of your group.


There Is hope!

I feel like I’ve made more progress watching your videos in a week than I have in 15 years of Photoshop. There’s hope! THANK YOU!


Why Buy From f.64 Elite?

  • US Veteran Owned Business

    Blake deployed to Afghanistan and Africa in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and has 18 years of service and counting.

  • 100% Safe & Secure Shopping

    All the information that you submit here is 100% encrypted. This is 128 bit SSL encrypted payment.

  • Unique Products

    We ensure incredible product quality and unique courses that you can only find on f.64 Elite.

Customer Support

Blake Rudis
Customer Happiness Manager
  • Email anytime!



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