Exclusive Offer on Blake's Acclaimed Workflow Course
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Trusted and Raved about by hundreds of Photographers
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Myung-Soo Choi on Mar 21, 2024

I really enjoy Zone System Bundle. It just doesn’t teach you technics, it let you know how it works. It is leading me to a world of upgraded photography.

Elsa Hoffmann on Jan 09, 2024

My post seems to have have gotten lost in the cloud 🙂 Let me try again

I can’t even begin to describe how awesome this course was. And it will have to be watched another couple of times. I am a very experienced photographer – and not clueless on Photoshop. Well so I thought. I however battled to get my vision carried over into my final product – and falling about trying this and that – with no structure to get to my end result. Which often worked – but that was just by accident! This course is a MUST for anyone interested in getting to the point where they understand how to shoot, they understand what they want out of the photo – but have no idea to work systematically to get there. And why you do what.
This course – and I have to say every course on f64, has changed my life in a way that pleases me no end. My output has improved exponentially. I now wonder what the hell I was thinking all these years! You simply can’t learn this stuff on YouTube. I know that as I watched everything I could lay my hands on. If you want to improve – there is no doubt – this is the place to be. Thank you Blake.

Bente on Dec 08, 2023

Very intensive information but the empowerment it gives me in better targeting the areas I want to enhance etc is amazing. Thrilled to have bought the app and lots of practice ahead. Blake, you are very clear, logical and spot on with your teaching, and I particularly appreciate it from the artistic point of view, where we learn the technical tricks as it relates to the the creative process rather than just learning the techniques in isolation. Love this product.

Brad Waufle on Nov 24, 2023

This is a very in depth, well put together program. Blake does an excellent job of explaining the theory and application of the system. I’m glad I decided to purchase and know it will help in improving the development of my post processing goals.

Chan Garrett on Nov 19, 2023

You have opened my eyes to new possibilities as I edit my images. I am now going back through the program for a second time to pick up the information and training I may have missed the first time through.
When do people get too old to learn? I just celebrated my 89th birthday and I find that I am not too old.

Jacques D. on Nov 16, 2023

The Zone System Express 7 Education bundle is a great product. All sections of the product are very well done with very good explanations of all the settings in the ZSE panel. Blake gives some advices on when and how to use the different options. If you don’t want to follow him while watching the videos you can always look at PDF files included in each lesson and follow the instructions. There is so much information in this training course. Great job Blake. Thank you

Carolyn Ray on Jun 17, 2023

Opened up ideas that I had previously overlooked

Don Sutherland on Apr 08, 2023

I was an Air Force photographer/photojournalist for twenty years. I studied Ansel Adams, Eugene Smith and David Douglas Duncan. I have shot literally thousands of rolls of Tri-X, Ektachrome and Kodachrome film. Transitioning from the mechanical/analog world of traditional photography to the digital world takes time and study. The zone system you have developed along with your videos can help anyone make that transition. (As an aside, in the world of photojournalism be careful how much you manipulate.)

Joel Rosi-Schwartz on Apr 04, 2023

The panel is excellent, well thought out, expertly crafted and functions flawlessly. Just as important—if not more so—the accompanying education is helpful beyond expectation and well presented. My only criticism is that Blake speaks quickly; I rectify this by setting my video playback speed between 0.75 and 0.8.

But all of the above is almost beside the point. For me, the most significant value of the package is Blake himself. My experience is that he is there with me every step of the way. Whenever I have a question, he is happy to provide his advice. Moreover, he is the most responsive tutor I have met; he answers with fantastic promptness and alacrity—oh yes, and typically with a helpful response.

I would also very much recommend that you consider subscribing to f.64 Elite. It is the best $20/month I have ever spent on photography; I find it invaluable. Also, note that every membership includes a supply of Kool-Aid every month!!


Cliff on Mar 29, 2023

Very informative in a way we can remember. look forward to more.

Gregg Taylor on Mar 28, 2023

Your Blend-If course is a game changer. I’ve used luminosity masking for a long time. The issue with it is the files become huge. You have made a tool that is easy to use and actually improve results. Thank you Blake.

Brian Larson on Feb 28, 2023
Mika Pitkanen on Jan 13, 2023

Clear, thorough. Carefully made. I highly recommend!

Bill Saffin on Jan 11, 2023

I don’t have a lot of time, but I am enjoying learning as I work steadily through the bundle.

Menahem Thalkar on Jan 02, 2023

I am half way through the lessons and I can already see a big difference in my photos.

Vincent Welch Sr. on Dec 24, 2022
Peter Ferst on Dec 18, 2022

Hi Blake Excellent, I am only half way through since I have only just completed learning Palette Effects. Followed your advice , slow but sure making certain I could properly handle and understand each module. Importantly the knowledge of colour I am learning which is more important than just learning which buttons to press on the Palette, will bring my photos to a much higher level. As you have mention many times there are often multiple ways of achieving the results and at the moment I’m experimenting with different ways to get a better feel for the advantage/disadvantage of the different approaches. Your lessons are super clear and your ability as an instructor is outstanding. Thanks again for makin my programmes more affordable with your discount.

James Lassoie on Dec 08, 2022

I took advantage of your ‘sale’ and they are waiting for me to finish the 30-day course. Based on monthly critiques I’m looking forward to adding them to my workflow.

Wojciech on Nov 04, 2022

So far, I was just browsing the plugin and videos. I can see that, as in the previous panels, there is a lot of helpful knowledge and learning. This is a very good buy. I recommend it to anyone who wants to develop as a photographer and show their pictures painted with light in better and better light.

Kjell A Johansen on Oct 24, 2022