Textures & Overlays 2: Advanced Blending

Going the next step in Texture Blending

It’s time to take texture blending to a whole new level.  The basic concept of combing a texture with an image is simple and can be achieved in many ways.  In the past, we have looked at basic techniques like Blend If, Blend Modes, and Opacity, but there is a whole new level of possibilities in this course.

Over the last several years, I have been experimenting with some unique ways to blend textures with images.  During my experiments, I have uncovered some unconventional techniques that produce incredible results.  Many of these techniques you are already using on your images right now, just not with texture blending in mind.

In Textures and Overlays 2:  Advanced Blending we are going to look at the following ways to blend textures and images:

  • The Blur for Color
  • The High Pass for Detail
  • The Apply Image to make masks and create stunning effects
  • Stealing Luminosity Masks from textures for Adjustment Layers
  • The Reverse Method: How to apply an image to a texture

*All the follow along images and 50 textures are included.


Lesson 2: Refresher and Gaussian Blur Technique

Length: 14 minutesComplexity: Standard

The Gaussian Blur Technique In this lesson, we will do a very brief refresher on the most commonly used ways to blend a texture with an image.  Once we complete the refresher we will look at our first advanced method for advanced blending. This technique requires the use of a colorful texture.  We will Blur […]

Lesson 3: High Pass Textures

Length: 10 minutesComplexity: Standard

An Outside the Box Application We have all used a High Pass filter at one point or another in our processing.  Whether you know it or not you have.  Most software applications use a variation of the “High Pass” Filter to create a sharpening layer.  In this lesson, we will extract the detail from a […]

Lesson 4: Apply Image Texture

Length: 11 minutesComplexity: Hard

Apply Image Textures This is the most unconventional and difficult way to apply a texture.   It is difficult because it is rather unpredictable.  It achieves some amazing results but the process is more about trial and error than about knowing exactly what will happen. We will be using the Apply To feature to borrow our […]

Lesson 5: Luminosity Mask Textures

Length: 13 minutesComplexity: Standard

Luminosity Mask Textures By this time you may have used Luminosity Masks in your workflow.  Typically you’d use them to alter a very specific area of your photo (similar to the Zone System).  This technique is no different, but we will be using the Luminance Mask of a textured layer to modify Adjustment Layers. The […]

Lesson 6: Apply Image to Texture

Length: 9 minutesComplexity: Standard

The Reverse Texture Technique Between the two installments of the Textures and Overlays courses we have been using textures on top of images but in this lesson, we are going to reverse the idea.  We are going to use a texture as our base image and a photograph of a subject as our blending image. […]

Lesson 7: Advanced Blending Conclusion

Length: 10 minutesComplexity: Easy

Get to practicing! In the conclusion, we will look at everything we discussed in the previous lessons for a top-down overview.  For reference, I have made a list of blending options for use with textures: 1.  Blend Modes:  Equations that blend based on tone, color, and image data 2.  Opacity:  Increases or decreases the intensity […]

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