News From Blake
Catch the latest and greatest from BlakeA New Course On Elite: Grand Falls
Developing the Shot: Grand Falls Have you ever seen an epic landscape photograph and wondered what the photographer went through to get the shot? I know I have! In this course “Developing the Shot: Grand Falls” I am going to tell you EVERYTHING that went into the making of the shot. You may never have heard of Grand Falls […]
Updates for May 2022
This Month on f.64 Elite 1. Here is last month’s Feedback Session for the Negative Space Challenge 2. This month, we have the Diffusion Challenge *open for submissions* 3. Be sure to get your critique images submitted by May 6th. I have 25 submissions currently. 3. Our Live Event This Month: Leveling up your Composition! May 26th @ 2 PM Central (Register Here)
Updates for April 2022
This Month on f.64 Elite 1. Here is last month’s Feedback Session for the Found Inspiration Challenge 2. This month, we have the Negative Space Challenge *open for submissions* 3. Be sure to get your critique images submitted by April 5th. I have 30 submissions currently. 4. We will be going live this month to talk about my trip to Sedona, it’s a follow-up […]
March 2022 on f64 Elite
February 2022 on f64 Elite
January 2022 on f64 Elite
Happy New Years Eve!
December 2021 on f64 Elite
Abstractions OR Patterns
November 2021 on f64 Elite
This Month on f.64 Elite Hello, November already! In a matter of days we will be hearing Christmas songs… prepare yourselves! 1. Here is Last Month’s Feedback Session for the Waterfalls and Streams Challenge 2. This month, we have Abstractions or Patterns Challenge *open for submissions* 3. Our monthly Live Event will be on November 26th at 2 PM (Central US) The topic: Workflow from Beginning […]
Falls and Streams Challenge
October 2021 on Elite
October 2021 on f.64 Elite Hello, October… hmmm, I am going to have to go get some Apple Cider Donuts from the farm, yep, that’s a must! 1. In case you missed it, here is September’s Feedback Session for the Fall Foliage Challenge 2. This month, we have The Waterfalls and Streams Challenge *open for submissions* 3. Our monthly Live Event will be on October […]
Fall Foliage Challenge SEPT-21
September 2021 on Elite
September 2021 on f.64 Elite Hello, September! YES!!! We made it! That means Autumn is coming (at least in the US) 1. In case you missed it, here is August’s Feedback Session for the Fine Art Portrait Challenge 2. This month, we have The Fall Foliage Challenge *open for submissions* 3. Our monthly Live Event will be on September 14th at 2 PM (Central […]
August 2021 The Fine Art Portrait
August 2021 on Elite
AUGUST 2021 on f.64 Elite Hello, I know, I know, I just made a course for you last month, but I learned some new things in July and I just had to put something together for you. So this month on Elite, you get an f.64 Elite exclusive experience. It’s course, meets a case study, and […]
July 2021 Tone Transformations Challenge
July 2021 on Elite
Hello, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to f.64 Elite. This month marks the 5th year birthday of f.64 Elite, yay! Thanks for sticking around with us and being a huge part of its success. I appreciate you! 1. Here is the challenge feedback session from JUNE – Reflections Feedback Session 2. For July, we have The Tone Transformations Challenge *open for […]
June 2021 Reflections Challenge
Dodge and Burn PRO 2021 Update
May 2021 In Motion Challenge
MAY 2021 on f.64 Elite
April 2021 The Emotive Black and White
April 2021 on f.64 Elite
March 2021 Technical Perfection vs Artistic Expression
March 2021 on f.64 Elite
February 2021 The Practical HDR Challenge
February 2021 on f.64 Elite
January 2021 on f.64 Elite
New Course: The Best Blend Mode in the World!
The Best Blend Mode in the World: Linear Light It’s not often we think of a Blend Mode as being the best thing since sliced bread. But, I gotta tell ya out of all Photoshop’s 28 Blend Modes, there is one that rules them all. There is one Blend Mode that can handle any task […]
Challenge Feedback User Survey Results
New Content for December-2020
New Content for November-2020
NOVEMBER 2020 f.64 Elite Updates Hello, Today I do have an important announcement for the way the November Challenge Feedback Session will be conducted. Please be sure to watch the video on the November Challenge page. I am changing the format to make it more advantageous for everyone. Below is your heads up for the month. 1. Here […]
New Content for October-2020 on f.64 Elite
October 2020 f.64 Elite Updates Hello, October, I love October! That means its Fall and Apple Cider (throw that Pumpkin Spice out the window). We have the usual happening around f.64 Elite. Below is your heads up for the month. 1. Here is the challenge feedback session from September- The Out of Your Element Challenge Feedback 2. For October […]
New Content for August 2020 on f.64 Elite
August 2020 f.64 Elite Updates Hello, August is a huge month on f.64 Elite! Palette Effects III will be released to the general public on August 13th. Current owners will receive an update email on August 6th 🙂 1. Here is the challenge feedback session from July- The Raw Processor Only Challenge Feedback 2. For August we have The Color […]
New Content for July 2020 on f.64 Elite
July 2020 f.64 Elite Updates July already? Can 2020 really be half over? It seems like time is flying this year even with all the stuff going on everywhere. I guess it never really does slow down does it? 1. Here is the challenge feedback session from June- The Summer Scapes Challenge Feedback 2. For July we have the Raw Processing Only Challenge. 3. […]