
  • Photoshop Foundations – Printing

    Photoshop Foundations – Printing

    In this course you'll learn everything you need to know about Priniting in Photoshop. We aren't going to try and make the perfect print, we are going to mitigate all the variables in the printing process to make the perfect print. I think you'll love the results you get and I can't wait for you…

  • The COLOR Course: Just the Lectures

    The COLOR Course: Just the Lectures

    Welcome to our journey into the heart of color theory, all from an artist’s perspective. Imagine wielding the power to evoke emotions, tell stories, and breathe life into your images, just by understanding and applying the magic of colors. In this series of lectures, we’re diving deep into the artist’s toolbox, exploring color wheels and…

  • Lens of the Future: Integrating AI in Photography

    Lens of the Future: Integrating AI in Photography

    AI has come a long way in a VERY short amount of time.  In January of 2023, we discussed how we could leverage AI, and at that time, Midjourney was making paintings and not realistic renderings.  By June, Midjourney had grown leaps and bounds and could generate lifelike portraits that were pretty close to lifelike. …

  • BEYOND COLOR: Exploring Gradients

    BEYOND COLOR: Exploring Gradients

    Your images will appreciate you for exploring Gradients! Gradients harness a TON of power in Photoshop.  They can dramatically shift the look of an image in seconds with the simple click of a few buttons.  However, most people don’t use them because they don’t know what they don’t know. After you see gradients in use,…

  • Black & White: The Bottom Line

    Black & White: The Bottom Line

    You’ve probably seen me process hundreds of BW images through my critiques and various courses.  But I haven’t put all that education into a course, until now!  This is a short course, but incredibly important for creating impactful Black and White images. In this brief course on Black and White processing, I will show you:…

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