
CLiR-IR Mastery Extended Edition

(34 customer reviews)

Original price was: $247.00.Current price is: $197.00.

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34 reviews for CLiR-IR Mastery Extended Edition

  1. Michael Brown (verified owner)

    I’m just getting started with the program but I’m excited and expect it will meet the standards of his other programs

  2. Carlos A. Carrion (verified owner)

    Incredibly educational and inspiring course. Blake and Tonee have created a learning experience that has been long coming in the IR world. I have been shooting IR for almost 2 years now, and their information have provided answers that no matter where I searched in the net, it did not exist! Wonderful job. Thanks!

  3. Shan (verified owner)

  4. John Barney (verified owner)

    I have been doing IR for several years. This course just proves the old adage, “the more you know, the more you realize how little you know”. Particularly, learning how to do conversions in RAW makes it so easy with much better results. Can’t recommend it more highly!!!

  5. Johnny (verified owner)

  6. Daniel Johnson (verified owner)

    I started shooting Infrared images in the mid-1970s using Kodak High Speed Infrared Black and White film and Kodak Ektachrome Infrared film. Even with the extra steps that each film required to achieve the best results, the final images were well worth the extra time, trouble and effort. The results were beautiful, but cost prohibitive and eventually became impossible when Kodak ceased their production. When digital imaging arrived, I quickly jumped on the Infrared bandwagon, using the Hoya R72 filters to capture the black and white infrared images I so loved during my film days. A few years later, I converted one of my DSLR Bodies and the whole world of Infrared imaging changed. However, something was always missing. I went to numerous websites, viewed dozens of videos and never quite got to where I wanted to be. When Blake and Tony announced the CLiR-IR Mastery Course, I was on board immediately. I can truthfully say that it is, hands down, the best, the most complete and the ONLY Infrared Imaging course that fully covers every aspect of digital infrared imaging. It covers every aspect of the process from selecting filters, to converting camera bodies, to selecting the Infrared sensitivity for conversions and filters and finally, to properly capturing and processing Infrared images in Photoshop and Adobe Camera Raw/Lightroom. It is not only worth every penny, it will save you money in the long run by giving you advice and technical information to help you make an informed decision for capturing and processing Infrared images. This is as good as it gets, folks. Look no further for a world-class education package for Infrared Imaging.

  7. Frank D. (verified owner)

    This course is game changing! It is truly a work of art and teaches us how to make our own works of art. I have dabbled in IR photography over the years, but have never, ever seen anything as comprehensive, understandable and thorough as this. Honestly, many questions I have had are answered, such as the conversion process from camera into Camera RAW in order to make a workable image. I knew about the Red/Blue Swap, but not an important intermediate step in order for it to work properly. Blake and Tonee explain it better than I have ever seen. There is no equal in the industry that I have seen. If you are seriously interested in IR photography AND PROCESSING, you owe it to yourself to get this and take your photography to another level.

  8. Nancy Brizendine (verified owner)

    Finally, an in-depth class to help me with IR processing! I have just taught myself and now can improve my IR work. Great panel to help with processing.

  9. Dennis (verified owner)

    Super program, crammed full of usable material

  10. Riet van den Berg (verified owner)

    Best photography course I ever bought

  11. Kathy (verified owner)

    I had no idea the infrared world could be developed in so many amazing ways!

  12. Mark R. (verified owner)

    So far I’m very happy and impressed with CLiR. I just need to work with Photoshop 2019 a bit more to get past a few hurdles and I really appreciate all the personal help that Blake and Tonee are providing me in this. I’m sure this new way of photo processing will be a huge improvement for my work. Now that I have found out that later Nikons can’t accept custom white balance learning this new system they are teaching will solve a ton of problems I’ve been having.

  13. Harold (verified owner)

  14. Wayne Pollard (verified owner)

    The panel is fabulous, lots of cool features and tricks. This panel can also be used for editing ‘regular’ pictures, as well as IR pictures.
    The education package is also terrific, with much of the IR world de-mystified.

  15. Pik Kam Olivia Siu (verified owner)

    The course is superd. It makes my IR photo shooting of much simpler with promising outcome. Love this CLiR panel and mastery course so much that I recommend it to anybody who has interests in IR photography.

  16. Wolfgang K. (verified owner)

  17. Lennart Brorsson (verified owner)

    Love it

  18. J. R. Milne (verified owner)

  19. Jeremy Willetts (verified owner)

    IMHO this course/software is just as valuable as my IR camera conversion. My current processing software isn’t capable of developing IR photos, so I’d be learning a whole new program. That’s a huge roadblock! Now that I’ve started using program, I couldn’t imagine trying to process photos without the education and PS plugin.

  20. Virginia P. (verified owner)

    So far I have finished the first module and briefly examined the others. I taught a course in perception for more than 30 years, but am just getting started with IR photography. Having scoured the web and looked at many disparate sources, I’d say if you need 1 excellent, accurate, easy-to-understand, full-coverage of IR photography,, this is the program for u.

  21. soumaya s. (verified owner)

  22. Deirdre G. (verified owner)

    I had a 665 conversion done on a Canon G-15 in 2014 and took some nice pictures then put the camera away. When I picked it back up in 2018, I found that I couldn’t remember exactly how to process them and I had lost my previous dng conversion file in a switch to a new computer. I bought IR Mastery and it’s the first photography package that I’ve purchased that I fully completed in a long while. Blake is a great instructor and the CLiR panel developed by Tonee and Blake is great. I’m waiting for sunny weather so I can go out and shoot some new IR photos!

  23. Tom S. (verified owner)

    Rating mostly based on other products as I’ve not yet completed this one. But, it has given me the incentive to have my Panasonic ZS40 converted in order to play around some so that tells me it will end up being a correct rating. 🙂

  24. Robert G. (verified owner)

    Good information on processing IR using RAW files. I have seen some blogs that touch on how to do it, however it is well described in this course. If you have a good understanding of the latest version of PhotoShop and camera RAW you can probably get there eventually, but for me it was worth it to get the clear instructions in a 10 min video, bam it was done (an AhHa moment for me) which was fine. Also good information on selecting a filter. I wish It was available before I converted my camera a year ago, I would have done things differently. The CLiR plug in is just so so. While clearly a lot of time and good programming was done to develop it I don’t see myself using it that often. The information provided in the first two chapters was worth the cost to me. If you want to get into IR and have limited Photo Shop experience you will get a lot out of the corse. Buy it now before you convert a camera! If you have some experience, this will clear things up without a large time investment on trial and error (think workflow). The value here is knowledge in a short amount of time. If you are an advanced Photo Shop/Camera RAW user and already have a converted camera it may be unnecessary. The instructors are good although Tonee Gee is the real IR professor here and Blake is the grad. student running the labs! Photo Shop and photography are hobbies for me, so anytime I can pickup skills without significant time investment it has value.

  25. Donna Oglesby (verified owner)

    I was able to purchase this incredible course at a pre-launch price. I am delighted with the quality of the course and the processing tools made available. The creators are available and responsive to my journey through their material and #creativelightir. I’m loving it.

  26. Charles Lienert (verified owner)

    A comprehensive introduction into the world of infrared photography. Excellent!

  27. Gord Roberts (verified owner)

    I need to qualify my rating. First I purchased this with an eye on the future, it may be a year down the road before I will be in a position to dive into iR photography. Second, many years ago I was Corporate Training Manager for a large heavy equipment dealer, my responsibilities included programme design and course development. So that being said, I did spend a few hours doing a quick page turn of the included PDF files to gain understanding of structure and content.

    Blake, you checked all the boxes on the list of what a good adult education/training course of instruction should include. Very impressed and completely confident that my learning experience will echo my initial impression.

    Your Mechanic becoming a Hybrid guy, Gord.

  28. Mary C. (verified owner)

    Even though I’ve only gotten through Module 1 and am heading into Module 2, I love what I am learning thus far. The information is clear and concise and provides everything needed to help make a decision about whether or not to go convert my camera or try with lens filters.
    I had played around with black and white IR back in the film days when I could process my own images in the darkroom, but once I started shooting digital, I could never get anywhere with an IR filter on my lenses. So, yes, I just hung up the notion of shooting IR. Thanks to Blake and Tony, my interest is once again peaked and I’m looking forward to learning all about the processing in Module 2.
    I can honestly and sincerely recommend this course to anyone considering getting into IR shooting or even just learning more about the IR world of photography … the teaching style of both Blake and Tony is some of the best I have ever experienced.

  29. John Clyde (verified owner)

    Opens up a whole new world of color for infrared images.

  30. James Smith (verified owner)

  31. CRAIG (verified owner)

    Hi All,

    I’d downloaded the New CLiR Panel, Installed it into PS CC, set it up in my Workflow so it’s up front and present. I then then uploaded a file from a recent Road Trip, and the Clicked on the (1) button and the image that popped on the screen just jumped out at me. I’m not easily surprised, but have to say this was really eye opening.

    I’ve been shooting Digital IR and Post Processing images for almost 15yrs from the Old Sony 717 Days, using it’s Night shot Mode, R72Filter, ND8 Filter . Over the last years I’ve used many IR cameras and I’m now shooting a Modded Sony a6300 which the image was from. My work flow usually consisted of many different techniques and trial and error and have to say this was incredible at how it was “One Click”. Also, the other powerful features and all have been well thought out and easy to use with being labeled very well.

    I can’t wait to learn more, watch all the tutorials, and try out more of the features that Tonee and Blake have loaded in. I highly recommend this Product, and having Tonee and Blake’s Backing assures getting the utmost out of this product.

    Take Care,


  32. Christopher Starbuck (verified owner)

    The CLiR Panel has opened a new world of possibilities for post-processing my color IR images, and the Extended Edition training has greatly accelerated my understanding of the Panel’s extensive capabilities. Five stars for Blake and Tonee!

  33. Charles Eggert (verified owner)

  34. Mark Rindflesh (verified owner)

    I have been doing serious photography for 7 or so years. I’ve been to 15 or 20 workshops of varying topics during that time and have watched innumerable videos by an array of teachers and photographers. In that context, let me say this about what Blake and Tonee have done here.

    The CLIR panel is amazing. I was able to see the way Blake and Tonee worked together to accomplish what is there compared with other panels I’ve used. It’s big and it’s complex and it is total wonderful. So is IR. So while it’s complicated I’ve found that with some regular work it becomes easier and easier. It’s like everything else. You have to invest your time and energy to get meaningful results. I hope the amount of work, experimentation and perseverance required to put this together is understood and appreciated. From my perspective, it is absolutely mind boggling.

    The video tutorials are thorough and detailed. The extended material reflects, for me, the personal commitment both Tonee and Blake have made to teach this fascinating subject. The questions answered in the extended material covered many of my own questions. I just wish I wasn’t out of town so much while it was going on and that I would have been able to participate live.

    Lastly, the support Blake and Tonee provide after you start with the CLIR panel and have watched the videos couldn’t be better. My questions are answered rapidly and thoroughly. I have always been pleased with the effort and care put into the answers.

    In summary, IR photography is absolutely fascinating. I can’t imagine obtaining as much enjoyment and pure pleasure from it without Blake and Tonee’s phenomenal work. How many man hours were invested into this project? I believe the love both of you have for IR photography is fully revealed in everything you have accomplished putting together the CLIR panel and the associated teaching material. That love then extends to sharing your experience and expertise with those of us just starting in this amazing new world.

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