The Unrivaled Blend If!
Blend If is my absolute favorite way to blend any images in Photoshop. It is uniquely universal and provides dynamic masks built into each layer that will change and fluctuate as your image data changes and fluctuates. I feel Blend If is the best tool in Photoshop for blending images, but it does have its…
Developing the Shot – Grand Falls
Have you ever seen an epic landscape photograph and wondered what the photographer went through to get the shot? I know I have! In this course “Developing the Shot: Grand Falls” I am going to tell you EVERYTHING that went into the making of the shot. You may never have heard of Grand Falls Arizona. …
Working With Light 2: Lumberjack
Sometimes you just get lucky… That’s the case for this case study here. When we were photographing our family for our yearly Christmas Card, our middle son, William, struck a pose that had us all smiling. He looked like a proud little lumberjack in his red and black plaid shirt. My wife and I immediately…
Zone System Express RAW
Masking in Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom is not easy. You have a whole new interface with several new mask additions and they threw out the concept of the Adjustment Tools like bad bathwater. Several items have been rearranged and the whole Add, Subtract, and Intersect Mask thing… Forget about it! Or should you forget…
Working with Light – A Portrait Photography Case Study
I have never been one to photograph people, but I have never been into Wildlife photography either. It seems 2021 has been the year of learning for me. That’s exactly what this Case Study/Course is all about. I recently went to the Warbirds Photography Workshop to learn Portrait Photography in a B-29 hangar with my…