Beginner’s Guide to Photographing the Milky Way
A Beginner’s Guide to Photographing the Milky Way Ever tried to photograph the Milky Way and have little success? I know my first attempt at photographing the Milky Way was a total loss. I was on my deck in the middle of October and said, “Oh look, stars, I wonder if I can photograph the…
Photoshop Foundations – Sky Replacements
Photoshop Foundations: Sky Replacements How many times have you spent good time and money to go to the location of your dreams praying for gorgeous skies? How many times did that location look impressive, but the clouds decided to take the day off? Better yet, the whole week off? That happened to me on a…
PsF – Pen and Tablet
Photoshop Foundations – The Pen and Tablet Shortly after someone sees me use a pen and tablet in a video, I am asked, “Hey do you have a video or a course on how to use a tablet in Photoshop?” My typical answer was no, followed by an email that said something like this… “I just…
Ps Foundations – Adobe Camera Raw Advanced
Photoshop Foundations – Adobe Camera Raw Advanced In the first installment of the Foundations course for Adobe Camera Raw, we covered just about every button and function in Adobe Camera Raw. But, as with everything in life, just when you think you know it all another door opens and a whole new world of discovery…
Interior Architecture Essentials
Interior Architecture Essentials Have you ever walked into a cathedral and been blown away by how beautiful it is inside? Interior Architecture is an artform that has amazed humans for thousands of years. Fortunately for us photographers, we live in a time where we have all the essential gear to photograph them and capture…