Zone System Express RAW
Masking in Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom is not easy. You have a whole new interface with several new mask additions and they threw out the concept of the Adjustment Tools like bad bathwater. Several items have been rearranged and the whole Add, Subtract, and Intersect Mask thing… Forget about it! Or should you forget…
Working with Light – A Portrait Photography Case Study
I have never been one to photograph people, but I have never been into Wildlife photography either. It seems 2021 has been the year of learning for me. That’s exactly what this Case Study/Course is all about. I recently went to the Warbirds Photography Workshop to learn Portrait Photography in a B-29 hangar with my…
Game of Tones – a Tone Theory Course
♠ TONE THEORY … It’s ALL a Game of Tones ♠ The difference between a good photo and a PHENOMENAL photo rests in one critical place, the TONES. The tones in your photo do so many important things and have a strong influence on your viewer’s experience. Your tones are responsible for (but not limited…
Dodge and Burn: Advanced (2021)
Dodging & Burning: Advanced Concepts A few years back I created a course on Dodging and Burning that included the primary methods for dodging and burning. We discussed how to dodge and burn with brushes, with curves, and with a 50% gray layer. I thought I had taught it all, but as time will always…
Photo Clinic- Mindset is Everything!
The Photo Clinic Why do you go to a clinic in the first place? You go for many reasons. Maybe a routine checkup or to get help with an existing condition or problem. Sometimes we don’t know what’s wrong with us, and other times we are seeking a second opinion. In the world of Photo…